Emma Left Us - June 17th, 1978

By Dulcie Matthews


In a quiet moment, I tried to capture
The sweetness of her face.
The way it lit when something pleased her.
Please wait, and let me see you once again!
And yet that smile is in my heart forever.
Drawn on my soul - that is its place.

One year alone, yet happy always.
Smiling, never knowing pain or grief.
Loved totally, and totally loving -
She lived a lifetime in a year -
No matter now how brief.

Such joy we knew from loving her.
More experience in a year,
And more joy -
Than most people know in a lifetime.
She taught us much of happiness and of love.
So who are we to cry so selfishly?
All things come and go within their time -
We will not waste her coming
With tears shed endlessly.

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