Tim Dowan,

Development Officer

Tim Dowan
Hello to you all,

My name is Tim Dowan, I live in a charming Cotswold village with my wife Claire and my two beautiful children Tom & Jack (not that Claire isn't beautiful of course).

Tom is 5¾, Jack is 9 months old and Claire is ( ... I'd better not).   Tom and Jack are both charming, funny and of course manipulative; they also both have Type II SMA. Our house is shared by two dogs, two cats and a guinea pig - I am certain it is only a matter of time before one of them is squished.

I have been around with the JTSMA since 1998, initially as Young People's Co-ordinator, latterly as Development Officer. During my time with the Trust I have always been amazed at the range of services we have to offer and also at the rate the organisation develops. We are constantly evaluating and improving our services to meet the needs of all people living with SMA - lets say this makes life at Central Office interesting!

Seriously though, Jennifer Trust Staff are a highly committed team constantly working to meet the needs of our membership and improve our services. At the beginning of 2001 we launched our 3-year business plan - a document which sets out in detail, our ambitions for service provision in the future. My role is to help analyse our current services and bed in the new ones, always with an eye (or ear) to your comments.

There are lots of exciting things in the pipeline for the near future, from a range of Family Care Days, highlighting up-to-date management practice to an international initiative on research developments. As always nothing here is ever static and we will keep you informed of all new developments and of course we are always happy to hear your comments and ideas, after all we all share a common goal!

Tim Dowan
Development Officer

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© JTSMA Nov 2001